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Thanks for the great information. We will certainly consider it when we lay our new floors. If you have an older house, with a shiplap floor, the shiplap is perpendicular to the joists, so the flooring is parallel to the joists. Some houses have the shiplap on a 45. Installing Wood Floors Over Joists Does Direction Matter. This is because it spans as much as 25-30 ” corner to corner. If you want to install the floor this way you will have to add a layer of 1/2″ plywood nailed to the joists on top of the board subfloor. And even then you have add 1 1/2″ wood screws in between the joists to keep all these layers from squeaking later on.
Floorboard direction is an important decision when planning a hardwood floor, and there is more than one reason to install them diagonally. Even though it takes more time and more material, a diagonal installation fits better with some room configurations that include angled walls. Moreover, running the boards diagonally across the joists makes the floor stronger than running them parallel and can be a more appealing alternative to running them perpendicular. In a diagonal installation, it's customary to lay the first course down the middle of the floor, reverse the direction of the second course and work toward the corners.
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Level the subfloor by spreading leveling compound in depressions with a trowel and sanding down high spots with a belt sander. Best song making app for mac. This procedure is important, because height variations can cause squeaking and gaps. This procedure may be omitted if the floor has no low spots.
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Lay a moisture barrier and staple it to the subfloor. Use tar paper, rosin paper, dry sheathing, vinyl underlayment or plastic sheeting. The moisture barrier keeps the floorboards dry and prevents them from warping, plus helps to minimize squeaks.
Snap a chalk line to demarcate the first course. It doesn't have to extend between corners, although that is the most common diagonal configuration. It can extend from any point on one wall to any point on the opposite one.
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Lay lengths of 1-by-2 lumber on the line and nail them to the subfloor with 1-1/2 inch finish nails. The 1-by-2s act as a brace for the first course of flooring. Assemble the first course with the groove sides of the boards butted up against the brace.
Use an adjustable bevel to mark and cut the proper angles on the ends of the boards. Measure the angle that the chalk line makes with the walls and cut the boards to that angle with a miter saw.

Attach the boards in the first course to the subfloor by pushing them against the brace and blind-nailing them through their tongues with a flooring nailer and 2-inch flooring cleats. When you have nailed all the boards in this way, remove the brace with a pry bar. Best 3d drawing program for mac.
Cut splines that will fit in the grooves of the boards you have just installed on a tablesaw. Use scrap hardwood lumber or spare flooring boards. The splines should be as thick as the grooves and twice as wide and they should fit snugly when you tap them into the grooves with a hammer.
Install the second row of flooring by tapping their grooved sides onto the splines. Blind nail these boards through their tongues with the flooring nailer.
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Install the rest of the flooring in two sections, working toward one corner and then the other. Use the bevel to measure the angles, the miter saw to cut the ends of the boards and the flooring nailer to nail them.
Rip the bottom of the groove from one of the flooring boards with a table saw and cut the corner pieces from that board with a miter saw. Drill nail holes with a 1/8-inch drill bit, then face-nail the boards with 1-1/2-inch nails and sink the nail heads with a nail set.
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Things You Will Need
- Floor leveling compound
- Trowel
- Belt sander
- Moisture barrier
- Staple gun
- Chalk line
- 1-by-2 lumber
- 1-1/2-inch finish nails
- Adjustable bevel
- Miter saw
- Flooring nailer
- 2-inch flooring cleats
- Pry bar
- Scrap hardwood lumber
- Table saw
- Hammer
- Drill
- 1/8-inch drill bit
- Nail set
Beam For Floor Joist Support
- If the boards are unfinished, sand them with a drum sander and edger, stain them and apply two or three coats of clear finish.
- If you don't install the boards at a 45-degree angle with respect to the walls, you may have to cut some steep angles in the corner pieces. If so, the safest way to do it is to clamp the boards to a workbench and cut them with a circular saw.
References (2)
About the Author
Chris Deziel has a bachelor's degree in physics and a master's degree in humanities. Besides having an abiding interest in popular science, Deziel has been active in the building and home design trades since 1975. As a landscape builder, he helped establish two gardening companies.
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- Thinkstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images